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mBlackpoolmestablished in 1887

Competitions History

Summary Premier League

Total1172415 (35%)282 (24%)475 (41%)
Home586271 (46%)148 (25%)167 (28%)
Away586144 (25%)134 (23%)308 (53%)
Penalty shoot-outs (P.S.) and coin-toss decisions (CT) are considered draws

Competition Records

Biggest home winDivision One 1957/58Blackpool7-0Sunderland
Biggest away winDivision One 1947/48Preston North End0-7Blackpool
Worst away defeatDivision One 1930/31Huddersfield Town10-1Blackpool
Worst home defeatDivision One 1959/60Blackpool0-6Manchester United

General Info

Number of seasons28
Number of titles0
Total games played1172
Total wins415
Total draws282
Total losses475
Total goals scored1788
Total goals conceded1941


Best finish3rd Position - 1955/56, 1950/51
Worst finish22th Position - 1970/71, 1966/67, 1932/33

Goals Scored

Most goals in a season93 Goals Scored - 1956/57
Most goals conceded in a season125 Goals Scored - 1930/31
Fewest goals scored in a season34 Goals Scored - 1970/71
Fewest goals conceded in a season35 Goals Scored - 1949/50