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Austin FC

United States of America
United States of America
mAustinmestablished in 2019

Titles (in-depth)

Totals (0 Titles) títulos por competição >

International Competitions (0 Titles)

SeasonManagerTitlesLeagues CupLiga dos Campeões CONCACAF
2024Josh Wolff0GS-
2023Josh Wolff0GSL16
2022Josh Wolff0 -
2021Josh Wolff0 -

Domestic Competitions (0 Titles)

SeasonManagerTitlesMajor League SoccerUS Open Cup
2024Josh Wolff0L-
2023Josh Wolff0LL16
2022Josh Wolff0F3E
2021Josh Wolff0Ln/a
[Key: n/a=Not available, -=Did not play]
Competitions with full data: Leagues Cup, Major League Soccer, US Open Cup, Liga dos Campeões CONCACAF.

With regard to other competitions, cannot guarantee the veracity of all information