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      Supercopa Euroamericana

      World (Clubs)mCupmLevel 1manual (Started: 2015, Current)



      Matches Played:  Home Wins:   (0%)Games with < 3 goals:   (0%)
      Goals:  Away Wins:   (0%)Games with 3 or more goals:   (0%)
      Average goals per game:  0Draws:   (0%)Most Common Scoreline:  - ( G)

      Team stats

      Full historical stats
      Most Participations2 Participations
      Most Matches2 Matches
      Most Wins1 Victories
      Most Draws0 Draws
      Most Defeats1 Defeats
      Best Attack2 Goals
      Worst Defence2 Conceded Goals
      Most own-goals scored--
      Most Red Cards1 Red Cards
      Most Yellow Cards4 Yellow Cards
      [Last updated: 2016-08-04 at 17:38]

      Player stats

      Full historical stats
      Most Participations1 Participations
      Most Matches1 Matches
      Top Scorer1 Goals
      Average Goals per Match1.00 Goals per Match
      Most Penalty Goals--
      Most Yellow Cards1 Yellow Cards
      Most Red Cards1 Reds
      Most Minutes90 Minutes
      12th Player1 Games as used substitute
      [Last updated: 2016-08-04 at 17:38]